Wineries: Where you learn to appreciate and respect the immense amount of talent, knowledge and expertise that goes into creating your favorite juice
From the large commercial wineries with glitzy tasting rooms on CA-29 which are owned and operated by large corporations, to the family-owned wineries that are found off the beaten track and are by-appointment-only ….you have around 500 options to choose from.
Sonoma is approximately three times larger than Napa and includes coastal regions as well as the valley floor and ridge-side areas bordering Napa. The number of wineries are roughly similar, while some of the varietals available differ.
Suisun Valley
Suisun Valley is the smaller sister to Napa, located between Napa and I-80 with the same high quality terroir and grape harvests. Finally being recognized for its accessibility and also for the quality of what its winemakers can put in your glass.
Green Valley (Solano County)
Sandwiched between Suisun Valley and Napa is Green Valley
“Life’s too short to drink cheap wine...”